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Queen's Drive
Infant School

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Welcome to the Deer class! 



Welcome to Deer Class! 

We have had a busy start to Year 2! We have been learning our class rules and following LORIC.

We started the year with a fantastic WOW Day when we introduced our topic for the term, Step Back in Time - we had a great day and made our own bread rolls. We were involved in Active week where we tried different sports and we started swimming lessons on Wednesdays too. We ended the term with a fantastic visit to the Ramsey rural museum where we became Victorians for the day! Our Autumn term 2 topic was 'OUR WORLD' where we focused on continents and different places in the world in geography and we designed and built bridges.

This term our topic is 'Horrble Histories' where we are learning about the Great Fire of London and Tudor times. We will be creating artwork linked to this too and focusing on Materials in Science.


Deer class have P.E on MONDAYS-Please come to school in your P.E kit.


Please keep checking Parentmail and this website for more information on upcoming activities.