Welcome to the Moles class!
Moles class have had a great start to year 2.
We have established our class rules and are good at following them.
In the first half term, we had an exciting WOW day and made our own bread choosing the flavours we would like to add. Some of us had swimming lessons and they were amazing! Our topic was ‘Step Back in Time’ which was about The Victorians and History focused. We had opportunities to explore artefacts and find out more about life in the Victorian times as well as visiting Ramsey Rural museum.
The week of the 23rd September, Moles met a professional sprinter called Chad Miller, we did some running drills and were able to ask him questions about his career. We had a fantastic fitness and healthy week in school.
Our Autumn term 2 topic is 'OUR WORLD'.
We bring in our book bags, reading books and reading records EVERY DAY to improve our reading. The reading books will be changed throughout the week and there are prizes on Fridays for the children that have bought them in each day.
Remember to read at least 3 times each week and write it down in the reading record for a prize! The name of the book, the date and a smiley face is enough.
Moles have P.E on WEDNESDAYS-Please come to school in your P.E kit.
Please keep checking Parentmail and this website for more information on upcoming activities.