Year 1
Mrs Talbot is the team leader in Year 1 and is happy to answer any questions you may have.
In Year 1, we follow the Primary National Curriculum. Please see the topic plan below.
We follow READ WRITE INC and Write Stuff in KS1 to teach Reading and Writing.
Children take home RWI home book bag books which are matched to the children's phonics knowledge. We follow the RWI handwriting guide which is taught daily in school. Maths is taught daily with a focus on teaching number skills, counting and the main operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. See the Maths and Literacy pages for more details.
We teach the other subject areas mainly through our creative topics. In science the children cover specific areas outlined in the curriculum, they are; animals including humans, materials, seasonal change and plants. We incorporate investigations and first hand experiences to ensure that the children develop a love and understanding of the subject. We follow local Cambridgeshire schemes of work for PSHE and RE and the children are taught e-safety.
Children in Year 1 are supported in any areas of difficulty by our experienced support staff and we target resources such as Pupil Premium or SEN funding carefully to meet individual needs.
Helping at home
Please continue to support your child’s reading by sharing books with them. Ideally your child should be reading each night, for about 5-10 minutes. Please put a comment in the reading record to let us know how your child is getting on. Homework is sent out weekly in maths. Please remember to send your child to school with a water bottle every day.
Click on the link below to find out more about Read,Write Inc and how you can support your child/children at home.Also see the attached RWI frequently asked questions document.