Specialist Support and Access to Agencies
We have access to the following services and specialist support:
Parent partnership office
Marion Deeley—01733 863979 or email pps@peterborough.gov.uk
SEND Information Advice Support Service
01733 863979 or email pps@peterborough.gov.uk
Family Voice
office@familyvoice.org 01733 685510
Educational Psychologists
01733 863689 or email eps@peterborough.gov.uk
Speech and Language Therapists
01733 847166 or email cpm-tr.SLTmailforparents@nhs.net
School Nurse
01733 746822
Autism Outreach Services
Clare Nunn - 07961240384
Sensory and Physical Support Service
01733 454460 or email sensorysupportservice@peterborough.gov.uk
Pupil Referral Service
01733 452675
Peterborough ADHD Support group
01733 266702
Little Miracles
01733 262226
Statutory Assessment and Monitoring Service
01733 863996/863733 or email sen@peterborough.gov.uk
What Do They Do?
Peterborough SEND Partnership
Provides information,advice and support to parents,children and young people on special educational needs and disabilities.
Educational Psychologists
Assess, observes, and facilitates interventions and strategies within the school settings. They provide advice on educational needs.
Occupational Therapists
The SENCO can refer directly or they can be referred by a GP or Paediatrician. They work on the sensory and physical support a child may need.
Speech and Language Therapists (SALT)
Pupils can be referred and seen by appointment or assessed in the school setting. Programmes are provide and if necessary monitored by the therapist.
School Nursing Team
Can provide support in the school setting or in the family home
Community Paediatrician (NHS)
The family GP or SENCO can refer pupils. The GP can provide medical advice and can diagnose specific difficulties such as Autism and ADHD
Autism Outreach
Regularly come into school to support a child diagnosed with Autism
Child and Mental Health (CAMHS)
Support provided by a Paediatrician
Pupil Referral Service
The Head teacher can request support if the child is on the brink of exclusion.
Observes and reviews strategies to promote independence and encourage physical fitness and wellbeing for pupils with physical disabilities.
Hearing Impairment Teacher
Ensure that schools apply appropriate access arrangements for children with hearing impairments.
Family Voice Works with Peterborough City Council SEND reforms.
Little Miracles
A charity that supports families that have children with additional needs,disabilities and life limiting conditions.
More information of what our local authority can offer can be found on the Peterborough Local Offer website, click on the link below.